Home » ITA W: MODENA lost against BUSTO ARSIZIO 2:3

ITA W: MODENA lost against BUSTO ARSIZIO 2:3

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

Despite the 2-3 with the champions of Italy Busto, in the post-race press conference there was little talk about the game from Modena. This and other volleyball news read on Worldofvolley.com.



Claudio Cesar Cuello: “We are a team and a working group which does not look like an excuse, but the truth is that wehave only two weeks of training. We came here without training, I make this introduction to say that this team has played well and has worked well in these conditions. I think the only thing I have to do is to honor the winners who have played an extraordinary game”. “I hate it if our team could not overcome the problems it has because I believe that the opponents do not deserve to lose a team like ours, or lose the pieces. This league needs these games.”

How are you living this situation from within and developments you expect?

“We have taken a position of responsibility, to understand that if it takes time to try to find a solution for this goes well. We are working together with the company and with the players. I think the great example is the one that made the team during this period, we played as if nothing happened because we are interested in the volleyball“.

Paola Paggi: “It is a very very difficult – says the captain of ModenaI had never been in there, I have to tell the truth and often the head, especially in training. It is difficult to stay focused, to set goals, stay together and stay together. We are trying with all our might because we think that the most important thing is just stay together and try to make it possible for someone to help us. want to show that there we are, what we want to move forward, this is what we can do”.

To read the latest news from Italy click here.

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