Home » ITA W: Confirmation from Soverato, Antonia Stella will be assistant coach to Breviglieri

ITA W: Confirmation from Soverato, Antonia Stella will be assistant coach to Breviglieri

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

After confirmation of the coach Marco Breviglieri Volley Soverato also announces that for the season 2012/13 assistant coach will be Antonia Stella.


Marco Breviglieri

Stella will be in Soverato for the third consecutive season and will continue to work even in the youth sector with the Patrizia Condello.
Assistant coach said: “I am very happy to stay in Soverato. I’m obviously pleased that we have realized the agreement at the end of the championship with the company. Personally I found it very good to work with Breviglieri and I am confident that next season everyone will see the results that are expected of us.”

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