Chiara Di Iulio
“Last year I put into play what I had learned over the years, to give my best, I put into practice all my skills and made myself available to the team” she said.
“When you walk into a dressing room again, where you find people who know each other a long time, it’s a great feeling. This is a great place to be. To play for Bergamo is a privilege.“
“For the next year I expect more fun and to play more. This is my primary goal. I am very passionate and I like to feel the emotions.”
Chiaria closes with a message to fans: “I will give all of myself always. If I don’t do that then I should not play. I enjoy this game … People can come and go, but this is my reality and my dream. I’m living the dream that all children have when they think about wearing the shirt of Juventus and become Del Piero. Bergamo has always been this for me and now I live it.”