Home » ITA W: Fabris and Bricio brought a new lead to Imoco; Folie got injured

ITA W: Fabris and Bricio brought a new lead to Imoco; Folie got injured

by WoV

Imoco Volley Conegliano are only one step from the second Scudetto in the club history.

Imoco Volley

Imoco Volley

In today’s third final match, Imoco literally destroyed the current titleholders. They celebrated the win after three sets (25-12, 25-19, 25-19) and now leading with 2-1 in series.

Imoco scored 7 aces while Igor Gorgonzola Novara none, Samanta Fabris and Samantha Bricio were the main leaders with 15 and 13 points and over 40% in attacks.

The opening set of the match showed that Imoco will fight for each point and the result of 21-9 is the real proof. 

In the third period of a game, the host team took the leadership on the first technical timeout 8-5 but that was a short breath. By the end of the match, Imoco managed to show their strength and complete the set without problems.

Raphaela Folie got injured during the second set. She injured the left knee.

Raphaela Folie


On the other side, Paola Egonu was only with the double effect by scoring 14 points.

Top scorers: Egonu 14, Plak 7, Chirichella 6; Fabris 15, Bricio 13, Hill 9, Folie 7.

The next match is scheduled for April 29.


To see complete results, stats and standings, visit our ITA National championship 2017/2018 (Female) page. 


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BRAZILvolleygirl April 26, 2018 - 1:17 am

Woloscz or whatever her name, is really weak for Imoco. Can you imagine that Olympics athlete Kim Hill and this thing are playing in the same team! NO COMMENT!

coco April 26, 2018 - 4:15 pm

Re: @BRAZILvolleygirl
Seams like you are in love with Woloz… all you do is talk about her.


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