Defending champions Poland
Men’s WCH 2018 qualification:
Pool A: France (org.), Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Iceland
Pool B: Netherlands (org.), Slovakia, Greece, Austria, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova
Pool C: Slovenia (org.), Belgium, Portugal, Latvia, Israel, Georgia
Pool D: Estonia (org.), Russia, Montenegro, Romania, Hungary, Kosovo
Pool E: Croatia (org.), Serbia, Belarus, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway
Pool F: Czech Republic (org.), Finland, Spain, Sweden, Cyprus, Northern Ireland
The first placed teams of each Group go to World Championship, while second placed teams will get another chance to qualify for the WCH. It will be a tournament consisted of these six second placed teams and only the first placed from this tournament will go to WCH. The qualification round will be held from 23-28 May 2017.
Women’s WCH 2018 qualification:
Pool A: Croatia (org.), Russia, Hungary, Greece, Austria, Georgia
Pool B: Poland (org.), Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Iceland
Pool C: Bulgaria (org.), Turkey, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, Kosovo
Pool D: Belgium (org.), Italy, Belarus, Spain, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pool E: Azerbaijan (org.), Netherlands, Israel, Ukraine, Denmark, Norway
Pool F: Portugal (org.), Germany, France, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia
Note: The women’s second-round tournament Pool B in Poland will be taking place one week earlier (i.e. from May 23 to 28) in order to avoid a clash with the Games of the Small States of Europe taking place in late May / early June 2017 in San Marino where the national teams of Cyprus and Iceland are set to compete.
The first placed teams of each Group go to World Championship, while second placed teams will get another chance to qualify for the WCH. It will be a tournament consisted of these six second placed teams and only the first and second placed from this tournament will go to WCH. The qualification round will be held from 22-27 August 2017.
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