Home » USA: FIVB Board confirms agenda and voting procedure ahead of historic Congress

USA: FIVB Board confirms agenda and voting procedure ahead of historic Congress

by WoV
source: fivb.org

The agenda for the FIVB Congress and the voting procedure for the elections which are due to take place during the Congress on Friday were approved by the FIVB Board of Administration during its pre-FIVB-Congress meeting at the Disneyland Hotel on Monday.


The FIVB Board of Administration

The FIVB Board of Administration, which also included the newly elected Board members and presidents of the FIVB Commissions and Councils, were unanimous in their approval of the election process for both the FIVB Presidency, where three candidates – Mr Doug Beal (USA), Dr Ary Graça (BRA) and Mr Chris Schacht (AUS) – will run for election to be FIVB President from 2012 to 2016 and the two minority gender positions on the FIVB Board of Administration where another three candidates – Mrs Marta Centeno O. De Sajche (GUA), Mrs Vilja Savisaar-Toomast (EST) and Mrs Rita Subowo (INA) – will run.

Each candidate will have 15 minutes to present their candidature to the Congress while the voting procedure for the FIVB President will consist of the following:

First round – the candidate who receives more than 50 per cent of the votes cast is elected.
Second round – if no candidate is elected in the first round, all candidates except for the two candidates receiving the most votes are eliminated. A second round between these two candidates shall take place at which the candidate receiving the most number of votes is elected.

It a similar process for the gender minority positions however in the first round it is the first two candidates who receive more than 50 per cent of the votes cast are elected. If no candidate is elected in the first round, a second round will take place with the two candidates with the most number of votes being elected.

The Board of Administration also confirmed that the new FIVB Board would meet after the election of the new President to rule on the President’s proposal for the FIVB 1st executive vice president, the FIVB 2nd executive vice-president and the treasurer; the members of the new executive committee – made up of the President, the five confederation presidents, two representatives from each confederation and two members from the gender minority – and the executive group – made up of the five confederation presidents.

The 33rd FIVB Congress will be the “first democratic election” for the FIVB according to FIVB President Jizhong Wei who will not be standing for relection, with three candidates standing for election.

The FIVB Board of Administration also showed great solidarity in approving for proposal to the FIVB Congress all amendments made to the FIVB Constitution and Regulations.

The meeting started with Mr Beal, the president of the host federation USA Volleyball, welcoming all the members, before President Wei thanked USA Volleyball and the city of Anaheim with the cooperation of the USOC.

During my four year term I thank you all for the confidence you put in me,President Wei told the Board members. “I have been trying my best to do something I could do. Now I recognise also that I could not do better so voluntarily, and with pleasure, I will step down to give the baton to the new board because you can do better to lead the FIVB and to open a new era for the FIVB”.

“We may have different opinions but we have mutual trust, this is a legacy created by you all in the FIVB. We can’t do something in one minute, in one meeting so in the FIVB the reform will continue. There should be more reform, not less”.

“The main goal of this Congress now is to prepare the better future of the FIVB in summarising the past four years. To summarise the past is easy because we have been working together over the past four years with the national federations and confederations, players, officials, sponsors and promoters. The facts are there but to prepare a new future for the FIVB is not easy.”

The FIVB Congress week continues on Tuesday with the FIVB Congress Workshop on development for the FIVB’s emerging federations.

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