Piotr Makowski
“For us it is a new experience, Delecta plays for the first time in European competition” Piotr Makowski said, “We started this season in the CEV Cup, now we are in the Challenge Cup, but this game with the Israeli team is for us something new, interesting, and we believe that this team will steadily climbe in the hierarchy, both organizational and sports. We are seeing progress in Israel, there are very good coaches. Israeli volleyball certainly will see good times. We now focus on the game with in Warsaw, this is an important game. Our league puts us in very difficult conditions.“
Hapoel Mate-Asher‘s player Sebastian Pecherz: “For our club it was a great event. We saw a different world than the volleyball in Israel. I think we brought a little bit of shame in the first game. In the second it looked better. Delecta won deservedly, was the better team, no question, and on the pitch and organizationally. Gulf separates us. I’m glad that I was able to visit your country.“
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