Fenerbahce’s Italian head coach Marcello Abbondanza shares the growing emotions: “There is a very important game waiting for us and we are very excited about it. We want to win and celebrate the trophy with our fans,” he stated.
“In the away match we got to know Uralochka and we are aware that if we block well in the second match at home, we can have an easier win that in the first game,” captain Seda Tokatlioglu added. “As I know, all tickets have been sold out and 7,000 supporters will come to cheer us on in our quest for the CEV Cup.”
Fenerbahce won the first leg in Ekaterinburg by a narrow 3:2, a result which sets the stage for a very tough fight in the second leg today. The starting time of the game is at 20:00 local (19:00 CET).
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