Andrea Zorzi
“Volleyball today is much faster than it used to be. This is due to a series of ‘natural’ evolutions but also to changes in the rules of the game.
“Serving has changed significantly. Serves today are about 10km/h faster than they used to be and tend to be hit from inside the court. Players in the past privileged vertical jumps while today, they prefer broad jumps that get them closer to the opponents’ side of the court. Moreover, since hitting the net is no longer considered a foul, they can take more risks when they are serving because they can afford to brush against the net and still score.”
“Even though new rules have imposed a slightly deflated ball to slow down the speed of rallies, attacks are much faster than before. Setters have become faster. In the past, they preferred high and slow trajectories, while today they tend to set the ball quickly to avoid blocking from the opposite team…” says Zorzi…
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