Home » BREAKING: Lucia Bosetti returned to Italy!

BREAKING: Lucia Bosetti returned to Italy!

by WoV

After the serious knee injury Lucia Bosetti has arrived in Istanbul and joined Fenerbahce, who has decided to give her all time that she needs for recovery. But…

Lucia Bosetti


Today, the Board of “Yellow Angels” and Lucia had a meeting:

Everything is O.K. but I talked with the stuff of Fenerbahce and we together have decided that it’s better for me and also for the team to end the rehabilitation in Italy.” said Bosetti for WorldofVolley and added:

But I didn’t finish the season, I will return for about three weeks


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Leiga November 27, 2014 - 9:31 pm

Yes, they need her, a lot! Without her, Fener can’t win Vakifbank, Kazan, Moscow and others.

Axe November 27, 2014 - 10:31 pm

@Leiga Fener really needs true opposite player!

AXE November 28, 2014 - 6:06 am

I think Montano is only in bad spell; she can back to play good game again until play offs. Por exemple, her jumping serve still solid and good; when good shape back, she will show us good volleyball.

Emin November 30, 2014 - 3:25 pm

She could stay in Istanbul and finish rehabilitation here…

Babo November 30, 2014 - 3:54 pm

Sorry but i wait her to comeback but rumour and rumour, nothing is true, i hear she will join team in Nov, I think she’ll play and then they say she comeback in Jan. What is true, she play or not play, If she can’t play this season, Fener is over. Nothing to hope anymore, Kristin is bad until now, when she plays in Brazil, it’s not bad, but now it’s unacceptable.

FB fan November 30, 2014 - 6:39 pm

And we keep spending money…


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