Home » LIVE from F4 W: VakifBank defeated Fener and advanced to Finals! (VIDEO)

LIVE from F4 W: VakifBank defeated Fener and advanced to Finals! (VIDEO)

by WoV

VakifBank are the first finalists of the 2016 Women's CEV Champions League! The Istanbul giants prevailed over their city rivals Fenerbahce Grundig in just three sets! American Kimberly Hill had an outstanding game and scored 14 points for the winners! Serbian Brankica Mihajlovic had 19 in 'Fener'.

Fenerbahce vs. VakifBank

Fenerbahce vs. VakifBank

VakifBank will play for their third European trophy on Sunday afternoon! The suqad coached by Giovanni Guidetti played just a perfect game in the semifinals and scored a well-deserved win over Fenerbahce Grundig

The key moment of the game happened in the second set when VakifBank managed to return from 11:17 and to win the set by 25:22! 

Read the full game coverage:

22:25, It’s over! VakifBank are in the finals!

21:23, Fenerbahce make their final attempt to take this game into the 4th set. VakifBank time-out. 

18:21, Huge block and Vakif escape to +3! Fenerbahce call for a time-out. 

17:18, Such an exciting game! Now VakifBank scored two in a row and regained the lead!

17:16, Great block and Fenerbahce take the lead!

15:16, However, the Korean star then makes a service mistake. Vakif have +1 at the 2nd TTO. 

15:15, Kim Yeon Koung ties the score for Fener.

12:15, Kim Hill is unstoppable today. What a pipe attack!

12:14, ACE! Milena Rasic returns +2 lead to VakifBank

11:11, Kim with huge spike, Fener tie the score.

8;10, Rasic makes a block.

7:8, Vakif are in front at the 1st TTO.

2;4, Another ACE by Kim Hill! She is having a tremendous game! 


VakifBank currently lead by 2-0 in sets against Fenerbahce Grundig. 

22:25, SLOETJES! Amazing spike! VakifBank have returned from 11:17 and won the 2nd set by 25:22!

22:24, ACE! Kim Hill!

22:22, All tied…

20:21, Mihajlovic’s spike goes OUT of bounds! VakifBank take the lead!

19:19, Fantastic block! VakifBank have tied the score!

19:17, Vakif scored 3-in-a-row! Everything is still possible in this set! Time-out Fener.

19:14, Fenerbahce keep the distance. VakifBank call for a time-out. 

17:13, Sloetjes scores and gives some hope to VakifBank that they can make another big comeback. 

16:11, Mihajlović with great serves, Fener have +5!

13:11, Gozde reduces the margin with superb spike

11:8, Mihajlović! Fener scored 5 consecutive points!

10:8, And another one! Fener are taking over the control over the 2nd set! 

9:8, Fener with another three-in-a-row! Great block by Bosetti!

6:8, VakifBank have +2 at the 1st TTO.

4:5, Fenerbahce take 3 points in a row!

1:5, ACE! Milena Rasic! Fenerbahce coach had to call for an early timeout.

0:3, Hill scores, then Sloetjes, then Hill makes an ACE! 


23:25, Kim Hill scores and Vakif take the 1st set!

23:24, Timeout VakifBank…

22:24, Two set points for Vakif!

21:23, Mihajlović scores, Vakif call for a timeout. 

20:23, Hill makes wild spike! VakifBank made huge comeback and now are close of taking the 1st set!

19:21, The margin remains the same…

18:20, Hill! Vakif are at +2.

17:18: Two more for VakifBank! They are now in front.

17:16, Sloetjes with huge block! VakifBank are back in business! 

17:15, ACE! Naz Aydemir!

17:13, Mihajlović blocks Buijs. Fener have serious advantage now.

16:13, Buijs makes mistake and Fener are again at +3. Second TTO. 

13:12, Brilliant spike by Gozde. 

11:10, VakifBank reduce the margin to a single point.

9:6, Bosetti blocks Sloetjes, Yellow Angels escape to +3.

8:6, Dietzen scores after a long rally. Fenerbahce have +2 at the first TTO.

4:4, Vakif tied the score. It seems that the local crowd support them!

2:0, ACE! Lucia Bosetti! The whole gym gave the applause to the local favorite!

1:0, The game has started! Fenerbahce take the first point!




Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
Semifinal 1 09. 04. 2016 15:30 Fenerbahçe Grunding ISTANBUL ( W ) vs VakifBank ISTANBUL ( W ) 0:3 23:25; 22:25; 22:25    
Semifinal 2 09. 04. 2016 18:30 Dinamo KAZAN ( W ) vs Pomi CASALMAGGIORE ( W ) 0:0      

To see standings, results, stats, videos, etc, visit our page CEV Champions League 2015/2016 W.

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Ali Y April 9, 2016 - 7:19 pm

No surprise. Congratulations to Vakifbank. Everybody said the chances were equal. I did not understand it because Fenerbahce has only two attackers, Kim and Mihajlovic, but Vakifbank has too many. Besides, Fenerbahce does not have quality substitues, but Vakifbank has too many. The only way is that Vakifbank could get panicked and played and unusual game like last year against Eczacibasi. Vakifbank is the best turkish team for last five years, that is for sure. Next, Kazan tomorrow.

GOLDMUND April 9, 2016 - 7:49 pm

@Ali Y

Very well said Ali. Setting was also very poor with under utilization of the middle blockers and Kim early in the game in my opinion.

GOLDMUND April 9, 2016 - 10:24 pm

This was one the worst Fener games I’ve ever watched. Fener did much better when they played against Dinamo Moscow. I believe this was due, in large part, to the fact that they utilized Kim much more during those games. Attacks were well balanced between Kim and Mihajlović. Mihajlović has the power but lacks accuracy and experience. She was making a lot of mistakes to the end. I just can’t comprehend the tactic of intentionally not utilizing the best attacker in the world in this kind of pivotal game. I am utterly disappointed!

fabio April 9, 2016 - 11:43 pm

@GOLDMUND well what do you expect for a player that has to play 2 sets by herself basically?

GOLDMUND April 10, 2016 - 12:32 am


I just felt the ball was disproportionately distributed Mihajlović during the game for unclear reason. Can you explain why?

Ali Y April 10, 2016 - 1:39 pm

Stat sheet explains everything. Most utilized atackers are Mihajlovic (41 balls with 39% killing), YK Kim(29 balls with 45% killing), Sloetjes (28 balls with 43% killing), Gozde (20 balls with 40% killing), Hill (18 balls with 56% killing). YK Kim was utilized more than rival’s opposite. The more you are utilized the less you become efficient. That is the case with Mihaijlovic. Besides, Vakifbank is not rookie. Every team in Turkey knows that Fenerbahce always plays with Kim with critical moments, so they take precautions. Setter had to chose Mihajlovic more. That is why big attackers become opposite, just to save him/her from service receiving to keep energy. As far as I remember, she did not receive during 2012 F4. Moreover, Fenerbahce had Sokolova and Fabiana in the roster as elite attackers to help Kim. On the other hand, Vakifbank was not there in 2012, when they had legendary Glinka, a surprise elimination to RC Cannes. Now, they have Hill, Sloetjes, Sheila, Buijs, Gozde, Rasic etc. When somebody fails, like Buijs, there are substitutes, like great Kimberly Hill. That is why Vakifbank has a better team engineering and ball distribution. Still with less budget than Fenerbahce and Eczacibasi, as far as I know.

GOLDMUND April 10, 2016 - 7:37 pm

@Ali Y

I thinks your point is very valid. As you said in 2012 they had Sokolova and Tom. They are both tremendous receivers. I still feel that Kim should have been utilized more than Mihajlovic to have a better chance to win over Vakif. I think that’s what happened during the games against Dinamo Moscow. I maybe wrong. I am surprised to hear that Vakif is spending less money than Fener for their splendid roaster.


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