Home » WL M: Korea beat Portugal

WL M: Korea beat Portugal

by WoV
source: fivb.org; Photo: fivb.org

Korea beat Portugal on Sunday 3-1 securing third place in Pool C and the participation in the 2014 FIVB Volleyball World League, while Portugal will have to play the qualification playoffs in order to decide their maintenance in the competition.


Korea ranked 3rd in Pool C and secures 2014 World League spot

Portugal entered the match well, pressuring their opponent’s reception with strong services efficiently blocking Korea’s attack. Two consecutive blocks from Valdir Sequeira lead Flavio Gulinelli team ahead by 5 points at the first TTO to reach (11-6). Korea’s reaction, with Jae-Duck Seo serving, allowed them to dangerously approach (12-10, 15-13), but Andre Lopes was able to score to 16-13. New pressure from Korea, ending with an ace from Seung-Suk Kwak, brought balance to the match (18-18), but a block from Marcel Gil and an attack at the first touch from Alexandre Ferreira put Portugal ahead once again (21-18). Kwang-In Jeon tied at 22; Valdir, with two consecutive points in the attack, placed Portugal ahead but Seung-Suk tied at 24 and Sun-Kyu Lee granted Korea the lead (26-25). After several times in the score, the offensive action from Kwang-In Jeon proved to be decisive in the closing of the set: 34-32.

Andre Lopes’ defensive action and Valdir’s attack granted Portugal the advantage in the beginning of the second set (5-2), but Korea tied with a block from Sun-Kyu Lee (5-5). Two consecutive points from Marcel Gil in the attack allowed Portugal to regain the lead (8-6). An ace from Marcel increased the gap on the scoreboard (9-8). The minimum advantage with which they reached the second TTO was a preview that the end of the set would be balanced as the previous. And so it happened (21-21, 23-23) until the 25-23 when Korea won the set.

In the third set, Portugal entered better (5-2, 10-5). Korea attacked out (12-7). With their block working again and Alex scoring in the attack, Portugal started to recover their confidence (16-10). Supported once again in their block and with Valdir summing points in the attack, Portugal was in a good position to close the set (19-12, 24-17) and ended up with 25-21.

In the fourth set, it was Korea’s turn to take the lead of the score (6-4). Supported by the public and with Nuno Pinheiro serving, Portugal turned the score around, reaching the first TTO winning by 8-6. Nevertheless Portugal ended up by being surprised by Korea’s reaction, that went from 9-13 to 15-13 being only stopped by and attack from Joao Jose (14-15). Alex scored his 19th point in the match and tied at 18-pts. A triple block (Andre / J.Jose / Pinheiro) granted Portugal with the lead (21-20) and thrilled the public. Two consecutive blocks allowed Portugal to closed the set (24-22), but Korea didn’t give up and went ahead (25-24). Joao Jose scored tying, but Jae-Duck, with an ace scored the 27-26 and Sang-Ha closed the set and match with 28-26.


To read more news from this competition click on World League 2013 M.

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