As we already publsihed, Saeid Marouf, the star of Iran’s National Team and Shahrdari Urmia VC, suffered knee injury one week ago.
Then, another blow hit the same team as their player Fayazi Damnabi suffered same injury.
But, Urmia is not the only team that had to face severe injuries as Hamid Jafari, the player of Matin Varamin, ended up on the floor during the game against Mizan Khorasan VC, two days ago.
As Iranian media wrote, he was hit in the face by the elbow of his teammate Mostafa Sharifat. As photos showed, Jafari was lying semiconsciously while team’s doctor tried to help him!
The player couldn’t continue match and was taken out of the court.
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Worth mentioning that this match was played in 4 sets, in the first set Samen VC used 3 foreign players at the same time which is illegal, when the Matin players and coache protested the referee changed the result of the first set in favor of Matin (25-0) set was originally won by Samen, anyway they played three more sets which were won Samen again. 3-1