Home » The Thing About Injuries…

The Thing About Injuries…

by WoV

There’s a dark shadow that hovers over every athlete. It doesn’t discriminate.



Young or old.

Male or female.

Elite or novice.

Beach, indoor, or sitting.

It has no preferences, no predispositions, no morals and it WILL strike at any time. There’s no getting away from it, it’s just a matter of time. The clock is ticking…

That shadow is cast by the potential of getting injured… 

Some injuries are uncontrollable, however there are things you can do to minimise your risk of becoming injured. Kind of like a professional gambler playing the odds in a high-stakes game of poker. 

Our friends at VolleyScience.com discuss how you can begin to play the odds and win your poker game to avoid injury by making your movement pretty. Click here and begin to learn more about how to stay on-court playing volleyball as much as possible. 


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Biography – Gary Hutt 

Gary Hutt is the Founder of VolleyScience.com, a website designed to translate and share cutting-edge sport science information with the volleyball community to apply to training and help to develop volleyball athletes.

As an experienced strength and conditioning coach Gary has worked for a handful of top universities in the UK. Based on this, he has a wealth of experience supporting athletes competing across the full spectrum of performance levels, from grass-roots right up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games!

Make sure you connect with Gary using the links below and discuss all things volleyball!

Contact Gary on TwitterFacebook and Instagram send him an email at gary@volleyscience.com.


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