Home » CRO M: For the 8th season in a row, Mladost Zagreb and Mladost Ribola Kaštela will fight for title

CRO M: For the 8th season in a row, Mladost Zagreb and Mladost Ribola Kaštela will fight for title

by WoV
source: Photo: mladost-ribolakastela.com

The same two sides will compete for the title in the Croatian men’s volleyball championship Superliga for the eighth season in a row.



The top-seed Mladost Zagreb and No.2 OK Mladost Ribola Kaštela will play the 2017/18 Superliga finals for the eighth straight season.

Mladost Zagreb kept the perfect score in Superliga including both regular season and playoffs (18-0) as they made a sweep against No.4 MOK Rijeka by a 2-0 (won both games in straight sets) in the semifinal series.

OK Mladost Ribola Kaštela prevailed in the series against the third-seed MOK Mursa-Osijek by a 2-0 as well (3-0 wins in both games) and will have the chance to win their seventh consecutive national title.

The finals will be played in the best-of-five format.


To see complete results, stats, and standings, visit our CRO National Championship 2017/2018 / Male / Seniors page. 


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