Poland vs. Argentina
The first set starts with Argentina’s unforced errors while it ties Poland at 3-3. After the second technical timeout, Katarzyana’s immediately strong smash made Poland lead 23-17. Finally Poland won the first set at 25-21.
Argentina led the second set by two points at 2-0. Argentina led by three points at 8-5 at the first technical timeout. After the second technical timeout, Poland led the match at 23-18. Argentina won the second set with 25-21.
In the third set, Poland led by three points during the first technical timeout. With their strong attacks and blocks, Poland still led at 16-9 at the second technical timeout. Finally Poland won 25-12.
The fourth set started with Argentina leading by four points at 5-1 over Poland and lasted at 14-10 before the second technical timeout. After the second technical timeout, Argentina won 25-23.
The fifth set started with tie of 2-2. With their strong skills of blocks and spikes with persistent characters, Poland took the fifth set with 15-11 and secured the win.
For more information related to this competition, read World Grand Prix 2013.