Trefl became a real nightmare for Resovia in the past year! In the big match of Plus Liga, Andrea Anastasi’s protégés swept the rivals by a 3-0 (25-20, 25-21, 25-20) to score the fourth consecutive win against them, all in the one-year period – three times in the national championship and once in the national cup.
Damian Schulz and Mateusz Mika scored 15 points apiece for the winning side, but the latter earned the MVP of the match award. Trefl libero Maciej Olenderek stood out in reception as he made 86% (7 digs) despite being left out of the lineup. But, since Fabian Majcherski underachieved by making 20% reception, Anastasi had to return to using a proven recipe when it comes to this position. Jakub Jarosz was the only player with double digits in Resovia, scoring 10 points.
By notching a win today, the fourth-placed Trefl (16-6; 43 points) made a two-win gap compared to No.5 Resovia (14-8; 42 points) in the standings and stayed in contention for claiming No.3 and No.2.
To see complete results, stats, and standings, visit our POL National Championship 2017/2018 / Male / Seniors page.
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