Home » RUS W: Players of Uralochka visited metallurgical work camp

RUS W: Players of Uralochka visited metallurgical work camp

by WoV
source: russiavolley.com; Photo: russiavolley.com

NTMK players visited the metallurgical plant in EVRAZ NTMK, not in a museum, like they did before. Player saw the iron produced. In the converter shop, they watched the iron converted into steel and produced the steel billets. In converter shop, volleyball players acquainted with the production of railway wheels. Incidentally, this is the only place in the plant where worked by hand.

Players of Uralochka

Players of Uralochka

“I just said that it is necessary to make a size 52,” says receiver of VC Uralochka  NTMK Alexandra PasynkovaHere she should measure the wheel and check the measurements on a piece of paper, this is the only non-automated production here incidentally.

I think it is a very useful tour for girls” said Head coach of VC Uralochka – NTMK Nikolai Karpol. “Saw how the workers live, what they are doing, let the girls look how much it costs them a piece of bread, let them know in what conditions of the workers are working, let them appreciate it all, this is important.”

After the lunch in the canteen, volleyball players met with the staff of the plant. In the first place, of course congratulations on winning the European championship gold. Recall that the gold medalist included three Uralochka players- Irina Zaryazhko, Alexandra Pasynkova and Viktoria Chaplina.

Head coach of Uralochka – NTMK Nikolai Karpol acquainted with the newcomers in the season at the club of three, reported on the tasks, they eariler – to play and win. Uralochka – NTMK declared in three tournaments – the national championship, the Cup of Russia and the European Confederation volleyball Cup.

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