Home » Autopsy determines cause of death of 16-year-old Peruvian player Chocano

Autopsy determines cause of death of 16-year-old Peruvian player Chocano

by WoV
source: elcomercio.pe; Photo: Facebook Alessandra Chocano/peru21.pe

A death of a prospect Peruvian female volleyball player Alessandra Chocano shook media and fans in the country and they are all eager to learn how is possible that a life of a 16-year-old child ended in only a few hours.




‘Luz’ Chocano, a member of the Peruvian U18 and U20 national teams died in a room of a person that was described as her boyfriend, in the city of Miraflores, a couple of days ago.

The investigation has been conducted to determine the sequence of events that ended the life of a two-time South American champion Chocano. As “El Comercio Perú” reported, an autopsy indicated pulmonary and cerebral edema (both fluid accumulation in the air spaces of the lungs and in the brain). Now, it is yet to be determined what caused this, but it seems that it happened because Chocano mixed a flu medicine with whiskey and energizers.

Also, the police questioned teenagers who accompanied Chocano to the room where she died as well as a 17-year-old boy, who was with her at the moment of death. His lawyer stated that he was not Chocano’s boyfriend and that they met several hours before the tragic event occurred. Furthermore, these two were not alone in the room but with several more persons, including Chocano’s teammate from the national team Kiara Montes (16) and Erik Dricher Collantes Saavedra (25), who drove her to the hospital.

The prosecutors will now have to decide on the future of both minors involved in the case as well as with Collantes.


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