Home » USA M: Big heart of Matt Anderson

USA M: Big heart of Matt Anderson

by WoV
source: fivb.org; Photo: fivb.org

USA volleyball star Matthew Anderson has four tattoos on his body. One is dedicated to his eight-year-old nephew Tristan. The son of Matt’s sister Joelle is autistic.

Anderson Matthew


I love my nephew. I will do anything I can to put and show support out there for him and for children like him,Anderson explained in an interview.

The ‘puzzle piece’ is the universal symbol for autism awareness. The fact it’s on my right wrist means, with all the pictures and the TV exposure I get during matches, people see it. I get asked a lot about it, and the fact that I can say that it’s my way of supporting my nephew and other autistic kids is pretty cool for me.

Anderson would like to use his influence as a globally-recognised sportsman to do something to increase awareness and understanding of autism.

The worst is the social stigma that comes with it.

He hopes his commitment to the cause will help change preconceptions, as well as showing his nephew that the main thing is to trust your heart.

You can’t live your life on the opinions of other people. You got to do what you feel is right for you, for your heart and for your family. The opinions of others should not influence you on what and how you carry yourself as a person.

Read the full story on the website of FIVB.


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