Home » CEV CUP: Monza – Dynamo M will start on March 14

CEV CUP: Monza – Dynamo M will start on March 14

by WoV
source: www.volley.ru author: www.volley.ru

Known date of the semi-final matches of men's CEV Cup between the Italian club Monza and Dinamo M, led by head coach Yuri Cherednik .



Acqua Paradiso MONZADinamo Moscow

First match – March 14 at 20.30 (23.30 GMT)
Second match – March 18  at 18.00 (preliminary information)

Dinamo Moscow

Dinamo Moscow

 Asseco Resovia RZESZOW ACH Volley Ljubljana

First match – March 14 at 18.00 (21.00 GMT)
Second match – date and time not determined yet

 CEV Cup winners

1981 Cannes (France)
1982 Starlift (Voorburg, The Netherlands)
1983 Panini (Modena, Italy)
1984 Panini (Italy)
1985 Panini (Italy)
1986 Kutiba (Falconara, Italy)
1987 Enermiks (Milan, Italy)
1988 Motorist (Leningrad, USSR)
1989 Motorist (USSR)
1990 Moerser (Moers, Germany)
1991 Sisley (Treviso, Italy)
1992 Maksikono (Parma, Italy)
1993 Sysley (Treviso, Italy)
1994 Inis (Padova, Italy)
1995 Kariparma  (Parma, Italy)
1996 Cuneo (Italy)
1997 Area  (Ravenna, Italy)
1998 Sysley (Treviso, Italy)
1999 Domino 2001 (Palermo, Italy)
2000 Piaggio (Rome, Italy)
2001 Lube Banca (Macerata, Italy)
2002 Cuneo (Italy)
2003 Sysley (Treviso, Italy)
2004 Kerakoll  (Modena, Italy)
2005 Lube Banca (Italy)
2006 Lube Banca (Italy)
2007 Fakel (Novy Urengoy, Russia)
2008 Roma (Rome, Italy)
2009 Locomotive-Belogorie (Belgorod, Russia)
2010 Cuneo (Italy)
2011 Sysley (Treviso, Italy)

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