Home » LIVE from Rotterdam: The gold stays in Russia!

LIVE from Rotterdam: The gold stays in Russia!

by WoV
source: Photo: cev.lu

Russia defeated the Netherlands in the final game of the EuroVolley 2015 and therefore became the champion of Europe for the 19th time in history!


Ahoy Arena

Pocket Radar


The gold remains in Russia! They were the best on The Old Continent in 2013 and they still are after the 2015 tournament! Russian girls played perhaps the best game at the tournament, especially in defense where they showed some incredible team play. Meanwhile, Tatiana Kosheleva and Nataliya Obmochaeva were almost unstoppable in attack. To put it this way – Russia was simply unbeatable in this game.

The Netherlands failed to win the gold in front of home crowd, but they deserved big applause at the end. And they got even more than that. More than 10.000 fans in Ahoy Arena rewarded Dutch girls with standing ovations and reminded them that the silver medal is also a huge success.

Top scoreres: Obmochaeva 20, Kosheleva 19 – Sloetjes 11, Plak 10

European Championship 2015

Date/Time Teams Set Result per set
04. 10. 2015 14:00 Turkey ( W ) vs Serbia ( W ) 19:25; 17:25; 18:25 
04. 10. 2015 17:00 The Netherlands ( W ) vs Russia ( W )

14:25; 20:25; 20:25

Russia celebrate

Russia celebrate

Live commentary:

20:25, ACE! Russia won the EuroVolley 2015! 

20:24, Triple block! But after a video challenge point goes to Russia

20:23, Foot fault by Kosheleva

19:23, Obmochaeva… Fantastic spike

19:22, Plak blocks Kosheleva

18:22, De Kruijf makes the point with big kill

17:22, Bad reception of Dutch team

17:21, Buijs sends the ball out of bounds

17:19, Service mistake by Zaryazhko

16:19, Such an important point! Russia double block stops Buijs

16:18, Buijs scores for the home team 

15:18, Russia escape to +3. Time-out Netherlands

15:17, What a spike by Kosheleva

15:16, Service mistake by Plak

15:15, Plak is keeping Netherlands alive – Important block

14:15, Another mistake by Dutch team. Over the net. Russia for the first time in front in this set

14:14, Net touch! It’s all tied!

14:13, But Ombmochaeva answers with smart play

14:12, Plak is on fire, excellent spike

13:12, One point per each side

12:11, ACE! Kosheleva! Time-out Netherlands

12:10, OUT! Sloetjes sends the ball out of bounds

12:9, Obmochaeva with block-out. Russia are reducing the margin

12:7, Fatnastic rally! Russia libero Malova made some incredible saves, but the point went to Netherlands

11:7, Kosheleva scores twoin a row

11:5, Now Sloetjes with big kill! 

10:5, Buijs gives +5 to her team!

8:4, Buijs scores with a spike

7:3, Netherlands are still in front

5:2, ACE! Fetisova!

5:1, Obmochaeva scores first point for Russia in this set

5:0, Amazing Plak! Block-out!

4:0, Plak now scores with a spike! Crazy atmosphere in Ahoy Arena!

3:0, Big block by Plak. Time-out Russia

2:0, Netherlands finally have the lead 

Russian girls 2



20:25, But Obmochaeva now scores with great spike. Russia – Netherlands 2-0

20:24, Plak blocks Obmochaeva!

19:24, Amazing block by Plak

18:24, Kosheleva again, 6 set points for Russia

17:23, What a chance it was for home side. Buijs had a counter-attack, but Russian players made wonderful save and Kosheleva then scored

17:22, Another one for Netherlands. Time-out Russia

16:22, De Kruijf tries to insipire her team. Great spike

15:21, Dijkema blocks Kosheleva 

14:21, Sloetjes stopped Kosheleva this time

13:21, Obmochaeva one point, Kosheleva one point. Time-out Netherlands

13:19, Steenbergen scores with a spike

12:19, Sloetjes on one side, Obmochaeva on the other… 

11:17, Sloetjes got back on the court! 

9:17, Bad reception, another mistake of the Dutch squad

9:16, Obmochaeva again! She is unstoppable!

9:15, Obmochaeva block-out!

9:14, But Kosheleva answers

9:13, Manon Flier entered the game and now she scores with strong spike

8:13, Still, Obmochaeva continues her run

8:12, Fantastic rally and great point by Netherlands! De Kriujf was strong on the net

6:12, Kosheleva scores again, Russia regain control over the match

6:11, ACE! Zaryazkho! 

6:10, Kosheleva with great spike that hit a lap-top of our colleague

6:9, Kosheleva breaks this mini run of Netherlands

6:8, Another block by De Kruijf, 10.000 fans love this!

5:8, Sloetjes with huge spike!

4:8, There it is! De Kruijf blocks Obmochaeva and the “block choreography” is ready

2:8, Antenna! Russia have +6! 

2:7, ACE!, Ilchenko 

2:5, Obmochaeva made  service mistake

1:5, Spike then block – Russia are playing amazing! Time-out Netherlands

1:3, Finally – Sloetjes! The crowd was waiting for this…

0:3, Such a smart play by Obmochaeva

0:2, Obmochaeva is destroying opponent’s defense 

0:1, Russia open the second set with strong block 




14:25, Zaryazhko with strong spike and Russia win the 1st set

14:24, Ilchenko sends the ball out of bounds

13:24, Plak finally scores for Netherlands

12:24, Another block!!! Russia have 12 set points!

12:23, Block by Zaryazhko

12:22, Unbelievable! Kosheleva again! 

12:21, ACE! Fetisova!

12:20, Big block! Russia can’t be stopped! Time-out Netherlands

12:19, Guess who scored? Obmochaeva again with super spike

12:18, Buijs’ spike goes OUT!

12:17, Russia are increasing the lead

12:16, Can’t stop Obmochaeva. Russia on +4 at the 2nd TTO

11:15, Obmochaeva now! Kosheleva and her are dominating in these moments

11:14, Belien with strong kill, but Kosheleva is unstoppable on the other side!

10:13, Obmochaeva spikes strong and Russia escape to +3. Time-out Netherlands

9:11, Kosheleva again!!! She is having a fantastic first set

9:10, Huge block and Russia take over the lead

9:9, Kosheleva! It’s all tied

9:8, Obmochaeva with her first strong spike today

8:7, Two mistakes of the home team and then Kosheleva scores 

8:4, ACE! Sloetjes!!! Netherlands on +4 at the 1st TTO

7:4, Sloetjes is ON FIRE

6:3, ACE! Belien!!! Time-out Russia.

5:3, Great serve by Belien

4:3, Russia tied at 3:3, but Slobetjes brings the lead back to Netherlands

3:2, Bad reception and Dijkema went over the net

3:1, Sloetjes spikes the ball out of bounds

3:0, ACE! Grothues!

2:0, Netherlands win the opening two points


Pocket Radar


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