Mariusz Marcyniak
How is the Easter holidays in your family?
“The first day usually spend Easter at home. However, during the second day we are going to visit family.”
Is there any dish without which you can not imagine Easter?
“Without gingerbread.”
The Easter table can not miss Easter eggs and other products that celebrate a Holy Saturday. You said that so far it was part of your duties. Now You live quite far from the family home. Can you manage to get home in time?
“I think so. I should have time to get home, so I probably will go to the Church. Along the way, I will take my brothers and sisters children with me.”
Speaking of Easter eggs, then find the time to paint them and give them your art look?
“I do not. In our family, my brother’s wife is doing painting eggs. She is responsible for their preparation.”
When you were a kid, what did you like most Easter traditions?
“Of course, splashed with water. Guns and water balloons had to be for Easter.
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