Home » ARG: 470 participants at day 1 of the Argentine Coaches Congress in Santa Fe

ARG: 470 participants at day 1 of the Argentine Coaches Congress in Santa Fe

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

The city of Santa Fe already enjoys the 2012 Volleyball Coaches and Trainers Congress with the opening ceremony having taken place this Friday with a record of 470 registered people. Lead by FeVA President, Juan Antonio Gutiérrez; the Santa Fe Sport Development Under-Secretary Director, Carlos Iparraguirre; the Santa Fe Sport Director, Bernardino Landi; the Santa Fe Volleyball Federation Vice-President, Claudio Verasio and the President of the Santa Fe Volleyball Association, Fabián Bochatay.


Iparraguirre, Landi, Bochatay, Gutiérrez and Verasio

The same day that FeVA inaugurated at Cenard facilities in Buenos Aires the International Coaches Course – Level II organized by the FIVB Argentine Volleyball Regional Development Centre (CDRV), in Santa Fe opened this important Congress for the development and exchange of knowledge for all Region Volleyball, with participants from Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and of course, Argentina.

For this Congress it was very important the support of Santa Fe Province Government, also the city authorities and of the Santa Fe Volleyball Federation together with the Santa Fe Volleyball Association.

At the opening ceremony were the FIVB Argentine Volleyball Regional Development Centre, Lic. Gabriel Salvia; the National Technical Secretary, Daniel Reynoso Arce; FeVA treasurer reviser, Nelson Baldellou and FeVA Under-Treasurr, José María Cuadrillero.

The Director of the Congress is Prof. Rodolfo Quirós, and the important lecturers will be Prof. Joao Crisóstomo Bojikian (Brazil), Prof. Guillermo Orduna (Argentina), Prof. Rodrigo Ribeiro (Brazil), Lic. Ariel García (Argentina), Prof. Julián Álvarez (Argentina) and Prof. Cristian Hernández (Chile).

After the Protocol, the participants of the the main table taled to all participants prior to the first lecture.

Fabián Bochatay: “We hope a good stay to all welcoming with our hearts your presence. We have a great staff level including great volleyballl experienced people and we hope you can enjoy and get the best out of them. Lots of people worked for this Congress and I want to thank each of them for their great efforts, specially Rodolfo Quiros, who had the idea of carrying it out and Hector Combes, that always supported us. The idea of exchanging knowledge is to grow“.

Claudio Verasio: “The exchange of knowledge will result in a great experience for each of you. I am aware of the outstanding effort done by the Association to carry out this Congress and I am very proud of this launching. I wish you all good success“.

Bernardino Landi: “I welcome in the name of the City Hall Mayor, José Corral all of you. In our city we believe that sport is the great chance and challenge to help the relationship among its people. The work of the younger ones to change society is very important“.

Carlos Iparraguirre: “The great figure of participants talks by itself of the success of this Congres and of an Organization that worked so hard. Make good use of these days that will be of great value for all of you“.

Juan Antonio Gutiérrez: “I am thanked to the local and province authorities and the Federation because each time we come to Santa Fe we face the challenge of a new engagement. That shows the passion of the people here to work for volleyball development and growth. I want to point out the great work of Rodolfo Quiros, of Hector Combes and of course of Fabian Bochatay and the Santa Fe Volleyball Federation. I feel very proud of opening today in Buenos Aires the International Coaches Course – Level II organized by the CDRV and to be here now. To gather so many people is not just a sentence, training is very important in our path“.

The people in charge of the Congress gave at the end of the opening ceremony to the City Hall authorities, the Province Government and the Feva, plates remembering the event. Then, without any rest the Brazilian Joao Crisóstomo Bojikian started the first lecture of this Congress.

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