Home Latest newsArgentina ARG: Meeting between the President Gutierrez and La Pampa officials

ARG: Meeting between the President Gutierrez and La Pampa officials

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

As part of the official activities programmed in Santa Rosa city, as part of the U 14 National Championship, the President of the Argentine Volleyball Federation, Juan Antonio Gutierrez, carried out a very important meeting towards the development of volleyball with the local authorities: The Province Sport Director, Lic. Aníbal Berton; The Province Government Secretary, José Sevilla; the local Mayor, Luis Larrañega and the City Hall Sport Director, Gustavo Rodríguez.


Meeting in La Pampa

The meeting that took place last Friday morning at the Government House, involved also FeVA General Manager, Rubén Safenreiter and the President of the La Pampa Volleyball Federation (FEVOPA), Ariel Soncini. They talked about different facts related to the development of volleyball in the region as part of fulfilling the main goal of FeVA, to make volleyball grow all over the country.

The City Hall of Santa Rosa authorities expressed their engagement building two beach volleyball venues in the lake side, where most of the local people carry out their free time. Nearby the two fields to be built, there is already a sport hosting and a dinning room, this last one used for the U 14 National Championship.

In a framework open completely to develop volleyball with the coordination of FEVOPA and FeVA the Province Tour could take place and for next February, two stops of the U 17 and U 19 both genders’ national tour, including Santa Rosa as one of the places where the best beach volleyball of the country takes place.

Also in the city they are building at this time a huge stadium, similar to the Pan-American Stadium located in Mar del Plata for indoor volleyall and state-of-the-art facilities. FeVA engaged itself that once the same is finished and inaugurated, to take an international volleyball event to the same.

Province and city authorities pointed out their engagement to help with FEVOPA budget to organize local event and to help as much as they can the local affiliated federations and their corresponding government authorities. “Where there are Federations that work right and the support of their Government, we will be there to work hard. You can count with this engagement” emphasized the president.

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