So far the answer is NO! After 14 rounds, club from Sao Paulo region has 14 victories!
And that is not all. It seems that everybody wants to see this amazing squad of Osasco, so on the last game against Maranhao, there were 6,200 people in the Arena! That is a season record.
Results of the 14th round:
Unilever – AFAV 3-0 (21-17, 21-15, 21-13)
Amil Campinas – Sao Bernardo 3-0 (21-12, 21-14, 21-13)
Maranhao – Osasco 0-3 (17-21, 12-21, 15-21)
Pinheiros – Minas 1-3 (22-20, 14-21, 15-21, 16-21)
Praia Clube – Rio do Sul 3-0 (21-11, 21-12, 21-18)
Sesi – Sao Caetano 3-0 (21-13, 21-14, 21-17)
Brasilia – Barueri (22)
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