Home » GER: First place for Haching

GER: First place for Haching

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

Generali Haching scored the victory that was missing to win the first place, however, the struggle for the last 2 places in the playoffs remains open.



February 18

NETZHOPPERS KW-BestenseeBERLIN RECYCLING Volleys 3:2 (25:21 / 25:22 / 15:25 / 15:25 / 18:16)

Top Scorer:  Fuchs  27, Foyer 15, Krause 13, Sprung 12; Sivula 22, Touzinsky 16, Fischer 13, Spirovski 12

evivo DürenRWE Volleys Bottrop 3:0 (25:23 / 25:14 / 25:18)

Top Scorer: Fromm 16, Zachrich 14, Matthias Bohme 12, Filo 8, Muller 13, Mollers 9, Bottcher 6

February 19

Generali HachingCV Mitteldeutschland 3:0 (25:16 / 25:18 / 25:18)

Top Scorer: Dunnes 16, Gunthor 13, Hupka 10, Shafranovich 6; Helbig 14, Fruhbauer 8, Stolfa 5

Moerser SCVC Gotha 3:2 (25:18 / 25:21 / 22:25 / 16:25 / 15:10)

Top Scorer: Olieman 20, Gommans 14, Keir 10, Klingner 8; Hahner 19, Hilman18, Herrmann 14, Kellerman 7


1.General Haching 36 (18-1)
2.VfB Friedrichshafen 32 (16-3)
3.BERLIN RECYCLING Volleys 26 (13-6)
4.Moerser SC 24 (12-7)
5.TVBühl 22 (12-7)
6.NETZHOPPERS Bestensee KW 22 (11-9)
7.VC Gotha 12 (6-13)
8.evivo Düren 12 (6-13)
9.CV Mitteldeutschland  12 (6-13)
10.EnBW TV Rottenburg 10 10 (5-14)
11.RWE Volleys Bottrop  0 (0-19)

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