The thirteenth edition of the Summer Cup will run through July 4-8 in the villages of Lousã, Gois, Miranda do Corvo and Serpins, and is open to young boys and girls, including those that are just starting to get acquainted with the ABC of Volleyball. The main goal is to stretch the Volleyball season beyond its ordinary end and provide young players with an opportunity to get to know each other in a spirit of friendship and fair play, accompanied by special side events.
The Académica Cup is celebrating its real premiere and is open to female Volleyball players born in 1998 and 1999. Its main goals are the promotion of Volleyball across the youth and the development of young players, thereby also promoting Portugal as a tourist destination. “We believe that this event will provide all participants with a very pleasant experience that will develop their personality and make them learn get along with other young people that are coming from a different cultural background” state the local organizers.