Zagumny & Antiga
„Every player has the same chance. As I always said, the door to the national team is still open for all. The coming weeks are the time when I will watch league matches,“ Antiga stated.
Polish media are interested what is the situation with experienced, 38-year-old, setter Paweł Zagumny. They reminded Antiga that he announced changes in the squad after after failure at the 2015 CEV European Championship.
„It’s always a topic whether players who resigned earlier from the national team will return. If they play well and deserve to be in the national team, of course, I will take them into consideration. In such a situation you need to talk. But for now, I have not talked with Paweł, or anyone else. I’ll wait. For now, he doesn’t play much and I want to see on what level he’s at, currently . Surely, the age is not a problem. Bulgarian Vladimir Nikolov is also 38 years old and some might say he is old, but it seems to me that he still can play at a high level. It is especially important on such an important position like setter,“ the head coach of Poland’s National Team explained.
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