Home » Volleyball Plyometrics Drills

Volleyball Plyometrics Drills

by WoV
source: www.sport-fitness-advisor.com

This sample program consists of two volleyball plyometrics sessions per week. This is perfectly adequate to convert strength in sport-specific power and reduces the risk of over-training that can occur with more sessions each week.



Plyometrics are usually performed during the mid to late pre-season phase of training. The closed season and early pre-season can be used to develop functional and maximal strength, which is then converted to explosive power.

Because these volleyball plyometrics exercises require maximal effort and a high quality of movement, dont perform any other training immediately before such as endurance runs, resistance training or speed training. Of course it goes without saying that a thorough warm-up should be completed first.

This routine uses a medicine ball for upper body plyometric exercises. Medicine balls are the perfect piece of equipment for developing highly specific volleyball drills. They are generally available in 1kg, 2,kg, 4kg and 5kg (2lb, 4lb, 6lb, 10lb) weights and as heavy as 10kg (20lb). Remember, for these drills to create power they must be performed explosively. If the weight is too heavy and the movement is slow then the desired training effect wont occur so stick to less than 5kg.

Drill #1 Depth jumps

1) Stand on box with toes close to edge and facing the hoop.
2) Step off (dont jump off) box and land on both feet. Immediately jump up and reach with both hands towards the sky.
3) Ground contact time should be minimal (dont sink into the ground) and landings should be soft.

Drill #2 Over The Back Toss

1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Have a partner or trainer stand approximately 10-15 yards behind you.
2) Grasp ball and lower body into a semi-squat position. Explode up extending background- the entire body and throwing medicine ball up and over the head.
3) The aim is to throw the ball behind you as far as you can and generating most of the power in the legs.
4) Catch ball on the bounce from your partner and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Drill # 3 Lateral High Hops

1) Stand to left side of box and place right foot on top of box.
2) Push off the box using the right leg only and explode vertically as high as possible. Drive the arms forward and up for maximum height.
3) Land with opposite foot onto box. Repeat with the other foot.
4) Repeat according to prescribed number of repetitions.

Drill #4 Squat Throws From Chest

1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees should be slightly bent.
2) Hold medicine ball at chest level and squat down to a parallel position.
3) Quickly explode up and jump as high as you can. As you start your jump you should throw the medicine ball as high as possible. 
4) Let the ball bounce away from you rather than trying to catch it.

Drill #5 Single Arm Throws

1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 
2) Place hand under medicine ball and lower body into a semi-squat position. 
3) Explode up extending the entire body and throwing the medicine ball up into the air.
4) The aim is to throw the ball as high as you can and generating most of the power in the legs.
5) Catch ball on the bounce and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Drill #6 Hurdle Jumps

1) Stand 1-2 feet away from hurdle. Feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart in a semi-squat position.
2) Driving the arms up and jump over hurdle.
3) Upon landing, quickly jump over next hurdle.

Drill #7 Wall Throws

1) Stand with one foot in front (staggered stance) or with feet together and knees slightly bent. 
2. Pull medicine ball back behind head and forcefully throw ball forward as far as possible into the wall.
3. Catch ball on the bounce from the wall and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Drill #8 Lateral Barrier Jumps

1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with right side of body facing the barrier.
2) Hop to the right using both feet over the barrier.
3) jump back to the start point.
4) Repeat according to the prescribed number of repetitions.

Sample Volleyball Plyometrics Session


Depth jumps – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Over The Back Toss – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Lateral High Hops – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Squat Throws From Chest – 3 sets x 8-10 reps


Single Arm Throws – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Wall Throws – 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Lateral Barrier Jumps – 3 sets x 8-10 reps

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