Home » WoV POLL: What’s going to happen with Markin after being tested positive to doping?

WoV POLL: What’s going to happen with Markin after being tested positive to doping?

by WoV
source: Photo: Evgeniy Biyatov/RIA Novosti/lenta.ru

Drug abuse by Aleksandr Markin, player of Russia’s National Team and Dinamo Moscow, is shaking volleyball these days.




Player himself does not deny using meldonium (prohibited substance in sport since January 1), Russia’s Volleyball Federation does not deny as well as Russia’s Ministry of Sport.

So, will there be punishment for Markin for failing drug test besides possible punishment for Russian National Team? Rules of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) predict several years of suspension for players who were using doping while International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) is not pleading yet. But, it called Markin for a hearing on April 19.

Thus, we are asking a simple question in our Poll, the question that can have multiple answers – What is going to happen with Markin after he was found meldonium positive during last doping test?

Our new Poll is available for you on the WoV Main Page, but also on the WoV Poll Page.


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