Lukasz Szarek
– You played the first game at home. How were the fans?
– Honestly admit that I could not wait, because I am well aware that in Urania is a very, very cool atmosphere, which certainly helps in the game. Fortunately, the game ended in victory, the first three points are ours.
– What do you think contributed to your win?
– First of all, we played consistently well. In the second set was probably the moment where Częstochowa could come back, but the rest of the match was mainly controlled by us.
– How have you accepted the news of changing your position on the field?
– First of all I am glad that I can help the team. I think that you need to use all the opportunities that fate throws, regardless of whether you are the receiver or attacker. Of course, I would prefer that this opportunity was on my position, which is on the attack. So far it’s not bad and I need work. I think from day to day, from match to match it will be getting better.
– Since the beginning of the season you selected your role on the team.
– I think everyone has to find his place in the team. Now I have such a role, I may not necessarily lead, but I try to encourage the boys, motivate and help them in every aspect. If we use all of our advantages, it seems to me that many of the games will be resolved in our favor. I think we will make a surprise sometimes.
– Compared to Athens, Olsztyn must be a small town for you?
– No, on the contrary. There is a lot of open space, a lot of green. Just for me it is a very nice change. I live here, and I’m happy. The only thing is that it’s cold! I’ll have to get used to the cold temperatures. For me, winter is fifteen degrees, and now it is minus thirty. Also, this is only a novelty, to which I have to adjust, but overall it’s a bomb!
– What are you missing?
– To be honest I miss my loved ones. In addition, I am pleased in every way and everything is fine.
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