Home » BadPaymentReport: How is your club paying this year?

BadPaymentReport: How is your club paying this year?

by WoV

Nowadays, when economic crisis is all around us and when sport like volleyball is also feeling the consequences, when players sign contracts and hope to be paid, when clubs offer contracts and after they don't sign-in for the championships, when players depart from West to go more East, WorldofVolley.com came up to an idea to create a place where players will express their opinion about this situation, reward the good and honest clubs, and also point to the clubs that want a lot but do almost nothing.



We want you to share the situation in your club with the others, so the others can tell you about theirs. 

BPR (Bad Payment Report) is a part of WorldofVolley.com website dedicated to a professional volleyball players where they can leave a vote from 1 to 10 (1 very bad and 10 excellent) about how was/is your club paying during the season and also leave a few words as a comment if you want. 

Also you, as a registered player, have the possibility to browse the list of all BPR’s votes and comments other players left before you. Why not check the situation in a club before you sign your next contract? 

Don’t worry, everything is ANONYMOUS and only authorized professional players can have access to this feature! That’s why WoV will ask you for your photo document when you create your WoV Community Player Profile or CLAIM already existing one from the WoV Profiles database. 

And be honest. We start from this. Help others, so the others help you. 

More details about BPR can be found here. 


Today, we published two articles about the players who haven’t been paid for a couple of months (Bulgarian Marek Dupnitsa and Russian Avtodor). So, if you have the same problem, join us and leave vote in BPR.

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