7.3.1 There must always be six players per team in play. The team’s starting line-up indicates the rotational order of the players on the court. This order must be maintained throughout the set.
7.3.2 Before the start of each set, the coach has to present the starting line-up of his/her team on a line-up sheet. The sheet is submitted, duly filled in and signed, to the 2nd referee or the scorer.
7.3.3 The players who are not in the starting line-up of a set are the substitutes for that set (except the Liberos).
7.3.4 Once the line-up sheet has been delivered to the 2nd referee or scorer, no change in the line-up may be authorized without a regular substitution.
7.3.5 Discrepancies between players’ position on court and on the line-up sheet are dealt with as follows: when such a discrepancy is discovered before the start of the set, players’ positions must be rectified according to those on the line-up sheet – there will be no sanction; when, before the start of the set, any player on court is found not to be registered on the line-up sheet of that set, this player must be changed to conform to the line-up sheet – there will be no sanction; however, if the coach wishes to keep such non-recorded player(s) on the court, he/she has to request regular substitution(s), by use of the corresponding hand signal, which will then be recorded on the score sheet.
If a discrepancy between players’ positions and the line-up sheet is discovered later, the team at fault must revert to the correct positions.
The opponent’s points remain valid and in addition they receive a point and the next service. All points scored by the team at fault from the exact moment of the fault up to the discovery of the fault are cancelled. Where a player is found to be on court but he/she is not registered on the score sheet list of players, the opponent’s points remain valid, and in addition they gain a point and service. The team at fault will lose all points and/or sets (0:25, if necessary) gained from the moment the nonregisteredplayer entered the court, and will have to submit a revisedline-up sheet and send a new registered player into the court, in the position of the non-registered player.
PREVIOUS, PART 14: Structure of play – the toss and warm-up session
NEXT, PART 16: Structure of play – positions
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