Home » ARG M: Argentine championship continues

ARG M: Argentine championship continues

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

After the Christmas break Argentine championship continues with two surprising results, first victory of the season for Olimpo de Bahia Blanca against UNTREF 3-0 and the tie-break win for the PSM against Sarmiento. This and other volleyball news read on Worldofvolley.com.


Olimpo de Bahia Blanca

In the 3rd match of the day La Union de Formosa was beaten by defending champions UPCN.

Week 7. Results on January 10

UNTREF Voley – Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 0-3 (22-25, 16-25, 22-25)
Top Scorer: De Paula 12, Andrés Ferreyra 9, Aschemacher 8, Gaston Giani 8; R.Villalba 15, Porporatto 14, Alanis 9, Gramaglia 6, C.Imhoff 6.

La Union de Formosa – UPCN San Juan Voley Club 0-3 (17-25, 22-25, 23-25)

Sarmiento Santana Textiles – PSM Voley 2-3 (25-27, 25-27, 26-24, 25-23, 12-15)
Top Scorer: Darraidou 26, Poglajen 19, Gauna 15, Giustiniano 9; Castellani 21, Zanotti 18, Viller 14, Scarpin 13.


Buenos Aires Unidos 30 (10-0)
Personal Bolivar 24 (8-2)
UPCN San Juan Voley Club 23 (8-2)
Sarmiento Santana Textiles 20 (7-4)
La Union de Formosa 17 (6-5)
Boca Rio Uruguay Seguros 16 (5-5)
UNTREF Voley 8 (3-8)
PSM Voley 7 (2-8)
Gigantes del Sur 6 (2-8)
Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 5 (1-10)

For more latest volleyball news from this competition click on Argentina.

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