Aged 35, Aguero was recently called by Italy’s coach Marco Bonitta as the backup setter for the “Azzurre.” But after spending two weeks with the Italian selection during its preparation phase, she eventually chose to be a full-time mom to her newborn son Pietro – and, of course, the president for Modena’s committee.
Aguero, formerly local SuperLeague team “Liu-Jo Modena”’s opposite, has taken on many roles during her impressive career, and does not seem to think about retirement. She is going to resume preparation privately right after the end of the World Championship, and is hoping for a call from and Italian SuperLeague team.
“I’ve played in Modena with Alisha Glass and Christa Harmotto Dietzen” Aguero said, “and I’m glad to see them play so well for the American selection. But I’m also happy that my place in Italy’s roster was taken by a great setter like Leo Lo Bianco: a prestigious comeback to the Italian selection after the many physical problems she experienced.”
Aguero’s guess for the final victory goes right to the point: “The United States have really impressed me for the quickness of their offensive play and blocking efficiency. And I have learnt a lot myself about block timing from the Americans I’ve played with!”
However, her heart is still wrapped up in a light blue jersey. “I’ll be an Italy fan as long as I live, so I really hope that the home team will make its way to the final six in Milan and will win the World Championship”.
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