Trento: Birarelli 7, Stokr 11, Kaziyski 10, Djuric 5, Raphael 2, Juantorena 11, Bari (L), Della Lunga, Zygadlo, Colaci (L), Sokolov
Coach: Stoytchev.
Macerata: Savani 8, Podrascanin 7, Travica 2, Parodi 7, Stankovic 4, Omrcen 5, Exiga (L); Lampariello, Kovar 5, Monopoli, Van Walle 1
Coach Giuliani
Referee: Barnstorf (Ger) and Bajci (SVK)
Set duration 25, 28, 27 minutes
Golden September 15 : 9
3998 spectators
Trento wins the qualification to the Champions League Final Four in Lodz in the golden set and with 3:0 wins the return match in just 1 hour and 20 minutes of the game. The golden set was played equally up to 5:5. Then Juantorena intensified the playing and Trentino successfully won with 15:9.
THE MATCH – On 17. and 18. March in Lodz will challenge Arkas Izmir – Skra Belchatow and Zenit Kazan – Trentino PLanetWin365.