Home » WoV Pre-season volleyball Workout 2016: Gym – Week 1 (DOWNLOAD)

WoV Pre-season volleyball Workout 2016: Gym – Week 1 (DOWNLOAD)

by WoV

We’re really excited to bring you the first 2-week gym-based training program from Gary Hutt, founder of VolleyScience and strength & conditioning lead for Volleyball England.



We think it’s fair to say that in order to get the most out of yourself on a volleyball court you need to be able to get into the positions required to pass, jump, hit, volley, block and serve effectively. Without good range of motion and control of key joints across your body it’s very difficult to do these skills well, and doing them inefficiently can lead to injury. Find out how to quickly assess your range of motion here.

The aim of this program block is to support you to develop your range of motion and improve your strength around key joints across your body. 

The program is made up of 2 training sessions, and we recommend that you look to complete each session twice in the first week. This will give you a lot of opportunity to get used to the exercises on the program ready to move into Week 2.

The workout is broken down into 3 sections; Preparation, Strength/Explosion, and Flexibility. Here’s advice on completing each of the sections of the workout.

Preparation – This section is designed to get you ready for the training session, whilst challenging and developing key fundamentals of movement. There are 3 mini circuits of exercises to complete focussing on the ankle, hip, spine and shoulder. Once you are used to the exercises this section should last approximately 15-20 minutes.

Strength/Explosion – Building on the changes you make to your body in the preparation section of the workout, this section of the session is designed to develop your ability to produce force repeatedly. Make sure you stick to the advice about the number of sets and repetitions you complete as well as the amount of rest you take between sets on the program. This section should take around 30-40 minutes.

Flexibility – The workout ends with a section focussing on developing your range of motion around 4 key joints for volleyball. As we’ve mentioned, having enough range around important joints is vital in order to perform volleyball skills effectively. Don’t miss out this essential part of the workout! This section should last approximately 5-10 minutes.

As with any training program where you’re pushing yourself hard, it’s ESSENTIAL that you follow the guidelines set out and approach the training in a sensible manner. Make sure you subscribe to the VolleyScience Youtube channel to get access to the video advice for all of the exercises on this program.

We can’t wait to help you build towards a successful new season! Work hard, share your challenges and your success, and grow your volleyball physicality!

If you’re unsure or want more advice about the training you’re doing, make sure you ask questions in the comments below and share your training videos with us on social media Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using hashtag #volleyworkout, so we can keep advising you and help you get the most from your training!

Author: Gary Hutt




** VolleyScience and WorldofVolley advise that whilst completing this program you are supervised by appropriately qualified support staff and follow all guidelines set out by as closely as possible. In exercise, excellent technique is essential, particularly during situations involving external load. Neither VolleyScience nor WorldofVolley accept liability for health and safety during the completion of this program. Please ensure you complete this program sensibly within the bounds of the risk assessment of the facility you train at. **




Read previous article WoV Preseason Workout 2016 – Gym, Running and Water exercises and General introductions article as well.

Check out more Fitness articles.

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Volleyconcept August 25, 2016 - 11:10 am

Prepare the new volleyball season : http://www.volleyconcept.eu/en :
CHECK OUT THE FREE DEMO TRAINING 5 VIA THIS LINK : http://volleyconcept.eu/en/demo/


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