The Argentine team will take two path previous this event. One part of the team will travel to USA and the other will welcome Cuba for a friendly tour series.
The team started working April 10th with those players already free of their yearly league engagements and slowly others were arriving to the concentration.
At this point at Cenard facilities are: Gabriel Arroyo, Iván Castellani, Martín Blanco Costa, Lucas Ocampo, Mariano Giustiniano, Sebastián Solé, Federico Pereyra, Federico Martina, Pablo Crer, Maximiliano Cavanna, Franco López, Guillermo García, Guido Romanutti and Cristian Poglajen (just arrived from Belgium). Still on their international engagements are Luciano De Cecco, Rodrigo Quiroga, Facundo Conte and Alexis González.
Six of the summon players for the FIVB World League 2012 already played the final series of the ACLAV Argentine A1 Men Teams League: Facundo Santucci, Maximiliano Gauna, Nicolás Bruno and Nicolás Uriarte for Boca; Demián González and Pablo Bengolea for UPCN with their last match played this last Sunday.
Also at the concentration work Marcos Aldazábal, Juan Ignacio Macció and Agustín Ramonda, all future national team players.
The South American Olympic Qualification Competition (Brazil already qualified) will reconfirm Almirante Brown as one of the most important international volleyball venue after the 2011 Youth’s Boys World Championship took place. This event will take place May 11th – 15th Round Robin – all against all, with Argentina facing Venezuela, Colombia and Chile for the final award, London ticket.