Home » MEVZA W: Second consecutive title for Békéscsabai

MEVZA W: Second consecutive title for Békéscsabai

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After five thrilling sets (25-17, 25-22, 18-25, 18-25, 15-10), the second consecutive title in MEVZA Cup for Women goes to Linamar Békéscsabai RSE!

Linamar Békéscsabai RSE!


The home team needed nearly three hours to beat VK UP Olomouc in the big final but at the end, it was worth it.

VK UP Olomouc – Linamar Bekescsabai 2-3 (17-25, 22-25, 25-18, 25-18, 10-15)

VK UP Olomouc: Kubinova 4, Kosicka 2, Cutuk 13, Napolitano-Senkova 15, Michalikova 16, Struskova 7, Sain (libero); Sajdova 10, Dudova 2, Dedikova 10. Coach: Teply.

Linamar Bekescsabai: Kosekova 1, Ivanovic 17, Pekarik 5, Fresco 24, Mlinar 20, Dobi 8, Molcsanyi (libero); Glemboczki, Szedmak, Bodnar 3, Petrenko 2. N. E: E. Nagy. Coach: Salomoni.

In the match for the third place, we saw another five sets (28-26, 18-25, 15-25, 25-23, 15-11). Nova KBM Branik defeated HAOK Mladost and brought the bronze medal to the Slovenian girls.

Top scorers: Mlakar 22, Pintar 15, Kaucic 12; Luketic 18, Kulic 18, Samadan 16.


To see complete results, stats, and standings, visit our MEVZA 2017/2018 / Female / Seniors page.


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Hulk March 11, 2018 - 10:15 pm

Békéscsabai played in the tie-break with 17(!)-year-old setter Brigitta Petrenko. Kudos to her for handle this pressure.


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