Home » Mark Lebedew about new FIVB volleyball rules – “This will not make our sport more attractive”

Mark Lebedew about new FIVB volleyball rules – “This will not make our sport more attractive”

by WoV

The head coach of Jastrzebski Wegiel and Australian national team Mark Lebedew has commented on the decision of FIVB to test the new volleyball rules.

Mark Lebedew

Mark Lebedew


Volleyball is already attractive. This will not make volleyball more attractive. Only shorter. The last time when we made volleyball shorter did we get more TV? I think not. And we kept adding things to the game to make it longer again. If we spent more time talking about what an incredible spectacle volleyball is maybe we wouldn’t keep having these conversations. If we spent time educating people about how great volleyball is for example by using knowledgeable commentators maybe we would have more TV,” says Mark Lebedew on Twitter.

Recall that FIVB will test revolutionary volleyball rule in 2017!


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random guy May 19, 2017 - 3:06 pm

If they use the old service reception rule (receive serve only by dig), it will make the game a lot less controversial.

Axe May 19, 2017 - 4:47 pm

Very steong volleyball country of Australia..

John Doek May 19, 2017 - 5:58 pm

Mr. Lebedew is right, as usual.. I support him in his opinion on importance of an expert commentator.. This should be a floor for FIVB, CEV, etc to help select and train them.. .
Yet, I have just reconsidered the issue of TV and volleyball from other side.
I have believed that it is very important to get an access of volleyball into TV.
However there are some recent negative experience with TV transmission and restriction from OG Rio, World championship 2014 Poland etc for majority of countries.
Frankly who watches the TV nowadays? Besides TV companies are used to dictate to sport organizations.. Moreover there are two types of TV companies – private and public, which differ in commercial/advertising system…
Now almost everybody watches Internet. Quality of transmissions has considerable improved, taking into account some technical reserves, which hope, will be solved…
So that FIVB and other regional v. organization should perhaps focus more on this trend, technical means, as CEV has done, what I appreciate. System of advertisements, which little differ from TV, and financial questions should be deal with a modern mode .. There are very positive experience in relationship of Internet and volleyball from OG London 2012, and European games from Baku 2015, FIVB World league etc..


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