Home » NEW YEAR’S INTERVIEW: Russell Holmes – “I would rather be respected than liked”

NEW YEAR’S INTERVIEW: Russell Holmes – “I would rather be respected than liked”

by WoV
source: Photo: fivb.org

Russell Holmes gave an exclusive interview for WorldofVolley in which he talked about his return to Poland, what does he miss the most from the USA, what animated character he would choose to be... Read the whole story.

USA celebrating the gold in the World League 2014

USA celebrating the gold in the World League 2014


After one season in Turkey, you are back to Poland. How does it look like being a member of PlusLiga again?

“I feel great. After having competed in this league for two years in the past, it is a place I feel quite at home. I love the fans and the rich volleyball culture that this country has created. This, coupled with the high level of this league, makes the PlusLiga one of the most enjoyable leagues in the world. At this stage in my career I can say that there isn’t a league I would rather be a part of than the PlusLiga.”

Can you compare Turkish league with Polish league?

“Both leagues have their unique qualities. A similar one is that they both compete at a very high level. On the other hand the PlusLiga sets itself apart in terms of public support. I have enjoyed competing in both leagues and have drawn crucial experience in each one that has proven valuable in developing my game as a volleyball professional.”

Are you satisfied with your performances in the U.S national team during the summer 2014?

“I feel we have accomplished a lot as a team over the past summer. Obviously being crowned as World League Champions stands out as the highlight. I wouldn’t say I am satisfied. I am proud of what we have accomplished over the summer but it is still gonna take even more work if we are ever to reach our full potential as a team.”

What do you miss the most from USA?

My family. There is nothing in this world I take more enjoyment from than from my family.”

Would you rather be liked or respected?


Tell us something you have never told anyone else.

“Something that few people know is that I didn’t start playing volleyball until the age of 17. Then at age 19 I took two years off the sport completely to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in London England.”

If you were an animated character, who would you be and why?

“I’d have to say He-Man. I loved that show as a kid. Who wouldn’t want to be master of the universe with She-ra by their side?!”

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