Helene Rousseaux
The winner of this WoV’s Poll, Helene Rousseaux is a national player of Belgium on the position of a receiver. Last season she was a member of Fakro Musznianka MUSZYNA, and few days qgo she signed for Volley Modena.
In her career she has played for VBT Vilvoorde and VC Oudegenm in Belgium. Her first international debut was in Volero Zuerich (2009-2011). One season she has played for Budowlani Lodz (2011-2012) and last season for Muszyna.
She was a champion of Switzerland 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. In that period she took two Swiss Cups and Supercups. Last season in the jersey of Muszyna she won a bronze medal in Orlen League and won CEV Cup.